Posted by Ian on Thursday, July 12, 2012.

My CompSust'12 Presentation

Here are the slides from my talk on our Flight emitter at CompSust’12.

Presentation slides

I basically gave a quick overview of the model and then summarized some findings from the Air Travel Carbon and Energy Efficiency paper we released last year.

People were surprised that so much variation in flight efficiency exists since airlines have a financial incentive to reduce fuel use. They were also interested in how much of the variation was due to seat configuration and wondered to what extent the average passenger would support increased efficiency at the cost of smaller seats.

Our Careplane browser plugin was a big hit, and a few people asked if we could extend it into an intermodal comparison tool.

I also presented this poster at the poster session.


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Safety in Numbers is Brighter Planet's blog about climate science, Ruby, Rails, data, transparency, and, well, us.

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  1. Patti Prairie CEO