Posted by Patti on Wednesday, January 05, 2011.

Top 4 CSR trends of 2011

Another article just went up in our sustainability experts series on FastCompany:

As we round out the first decade of the new century, business sustainability in the U.S. is coming of age. The federal carbon regulations that at this time last year seemed likely to shape the next chapter of business sustainability did not emerge, and it's now clear that the boardroom, more than the halls of congress, will be leading the charge for corporate social responsibility as we forge ahead.

An overwhelming majority of Fortune 500 companies now voluntarily measure, manage, and publicly disclose their carbon emissions; and a bevy of hi-tech software solutions, clean technologies, and market tools have evolved in recent years to meet these demands.

So what's on the horizon for the world of business sustainability management? Four key trends to keep an eye on in 2011 include…

You can see the four key trends on FastCompany.

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  1. Patti Prairie CEO