Safety in Numbers
Brighter Planet's blog
EPA releases new guidance on emissions reporting for federal agencies
This Tuesday the EPA released official guidance for federal agencies on measuring and reporting GHGs. The guidance serves as the government’s official GHG Protocol, outlining precisely what agencies need to measure and report to comply with Executive Order 13514.
A potential ‘surprise’ is that for Fiscal Year 2010 reporting (due January 2011) the guidance only requires Scope 3 emissions from employee business ground and air travel, employee commuting, contracted solid waste and wastewater disposal, and electricity transportation and distribution losses. Executive Order 13514 originally required agencies to also report emissions from leased buildings, the production of fuels used in agency vehicles, and vendors, contractors, and supply chains. But because Scope 3 accounting is new and “recognized methods for calculating emissions are just emerging,” these and other Scope 3 sources will be phased in over time.
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